Serving locally in Arizona, around the United States, & internationally
Typology Coaching
Which of the 16 personality archetypes are you?
A very powerful & effective tool providing the clarity to shape your life with confidence!
Master & Transform Self
A different kind of coaching
Typology coaching uses your Jung personality archetype and teaches you how you are built, how you gather information & make decisions, and uses your cognitive functions to overcome challenges.
The personality profile is the most valuable tool in your toolbox! You will learn how to communicate more effectively, provide better care in your relationships, and even more!
Have you ever heard or given any of the following feedback?
Have you ever taken the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test?

Wait? What? Same functions? Why are we all so different?

How do we explain this?
The order of our cognitive functions creates our NATURE.
Two driving forces dictate our lives:
NATURE: Our personality archetype-how we are built, specifically how we gather information & make decisions.
NURTURE: Our experiences, values, age, & other characteristics that shape & define us outside of our personality.
“Understanding your personality archetype is one of the most valuable tools in your life’s toolbox. I have personally used my understanding as an ESTJ to harness my strengths & challenge my difficulties in navigating all seasons of my life for the last two decades.”-Wendy M. Walsh
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Do you want to reach out for more information or see how we can help you? Reach out by clicking on the link below!